A significant number of fundamental climate science principles are incorrect as the result of force-fitting all climate data, information, and observations into an atmospheric-only framework; a scientific methodology here termed  "Atmospheric Bias". For many years, hard-working, dedicated, and intelligent climate scientists have utilized atmospheric data to decipher the root cause of our planet’s climate and climate-related events.

Utilizing atmospheric data would seem to be an excellent choice for several reasons:

  • It is abundant, accurate and collected from differing locations across the entire planet.

  • Short term atmospheric parameter trends spanning a few thousand years lend themselves to detailed analysis and comparison.

  • Most but not all climate scientists incorrectly assume that finding the truth is best achieved by utilizing accurate, abundant, and detailed data.

Discovery that numerous atmospheric parameters correlate with changes in climate and climate-related events has been accepted by most climate experts as proof that many of the fundamental principles of climate science are correct.  However, as is true with many scientific disciplines, correlations are not necessarily proof of root cause or truth.

Determining the true root cause of many climate and climate-related events is best achieved by interpreting then integrating data and observations from all available climate influencing sources.

The most notable are oceanic, atmospheric, astrological, biological and geological sources. There are several ways to review evidence supporting this claim: First, do a “Search” here at this website by typing in the words “James Edward Kamis” or by clicking here. The author’s long-term association with this exemplary free-press organization has provided a platform to post roughly 80 articles documenting the connection between geology and climate. Secondly, listed below are four widely accepted fundamental climate science principles followed by a summary describing alternate explanations.

1. Anomalous modern-day warming of Earth’s oceans and the atmosphere is dominantly the result of solar radiative and anthropogenic forces.

Nearly 100% of ocean warming is the result of heat flow from seafloor geological features especially those associated with reoccurring major 100,000-year astronomical cycles termed (Milankovitch Cycles).   Importantly, 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans with an average depth of 12,100 feet.  Oceans have a much greater capacity to influence atmospheric CO2 concentrations, methane concentrations, and temperatures than solar radiative and anthropogenic forces (see Figure 1, herehereherehere and here).

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 Figure 1. Graph illustrating the last 450,000 years of atmospheric temperatures and CO2 concentrations.

The author’s interpretation of this data is added to the graph. It shows Earth’s “Normal Climate”, “Recovery” to Normal Climate and reoccurring (1-5) 100,000-year geologically induced “Volcanic Pulses” driven by Milankovitch Cycles

Review of the Figure 1 graph indicates that there are a significant number of variations in atmospheric temperature, CO2 concentrations and their relationship to one another.  These variations are very frequent in short time intervals. It is a mistake not to recognize that these short-term variations in atmospheric parameters are direct or significant indicators behind climate trends.  This is especially true when the influence of other major climate sources is minimized relative to the short time frame of atmospheric variations.

2. Modern-day increases of El Nino intensity, frequency and magnitude which greatly affect the Earth’s climate are the result of human activities.

Data and observations from many scientific disciplines clearly show that El Ninos and associated La Ninas are the result of seafloor geological forces and not atmospheric forces regardless if they are natural or human-induced.

3. The currently anomalous rise in Sea Level is the result of anthropogenic warming and portends disastrous flooding of human civilizations.

The Smithsonian Ocean Research Branch states that between 1900 to 1990 sea level rose 0.05 inches per year. In the year 2016, they say sea level rose 0.13 inches (see here). Information from a Climate Change Dispatch article provides a similar perspective that sea-level rise is not as significant as climate scientists and media outlets state (see here). These actual sea-level-rise values contradict the currently accepted dialogue that future disastrous sea level rises are a certainty.

Accurate calculation of annual sea-level rise is extremely difficult for these reasons:

  • Measurement of sea level recorded at numerous locations varies from year to year dependent on tidal values, wind direction, ocean temperature, and local atmospheric pressure values. Therefore, the error factor of these measurements is likely greater than the recorded sea-level values rendering them unreliable.

  • Natural subsidence/compaction of geographically extensive coastal areas such as river deltas that are composed of soft water-filled sediments resulting in an influx of ocean waters is often misinterpreted as seal level rise.

  • Natural elevation rise of geographically extensive coastal areas, for instance, related to Glacial Rebound, is often misinterpreted as a sea-level drop. In these cases, sea level recedes.

Confident projections stating that sea level is about to disastrously rise during the next decade are not supported by reliable evidence and are here thought to border on being misleading with intent.

4. Data and trends obtained during ancient maximum and minimum extent of ancient Ice Ages do not provide detailed evidence explaining today’s anomalous atmospheric climate trends and events. 

The opposite is true as per Figure 1 and an associated Climate Change Dispatch article (see here). This information indicates that the Earth is currently amid an astronomically and geologically induced 100,000-year heat pulse.  A pulse, which is the result of Milankovitch Cycle, activated seafloor geological features that are emitting massive amounts of heat into the overlying ocean. A warmed ocean that acts to increase atmospheric temperatures, which in concert with the warming oceans, melts mountain glaciers, and sea and continent-wide ice. Exactly what is occurring in modern times therefore truly relevant information.

In conclusion, a significant number of fundamental climate science principles are incorrect, primarily the result of atmospheric bias and not incorporating information from oceanic, atmospheric, astrological, biological and geological data.  Determining the root cause of complex climate and climate-related events is difficult however, it can be achieved.