Plate Climatology Theory Overview

The overall theory contends that Increased tectonic activity, either locally or globally, equates to more heat and chemically charged heated fluid release from active geological features into oceans, sub-glacial polar areas, and atmosphere.  This altered heat and fluid input has in past, and still to this day acts to significantly effect Earth’s climate and climate related events. 

To describe this new theory, the term Plate Climatology is designated. The theory was first formally introduced on October 7, 2014, after 10 years of research (see link below) and published at the 2016 American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (see link below). The Plate Climatology Theory was published and presented on January 13, 2016 at the American Meteorological Society Conference in New Orleans, LA.

This effect has been largely hidden from scientific investigation because the heat and fluid release is primarily from two under explored/under monitored regions. First, earth’s Deep Oceans which contain major geological features such as Divergent Plate Boundaries (tectonic plate pull-apart boundaries), Transform Plate Boundaries (tectonic plate side sliding boundaries), Convergent Plate Boundaries (Subduction and Obduction Zones), and High Heat Flow Volcanic regions.  The associated heat and fluid release from these geological features acts to alter ocean temperatures, densities, and chemical compositions. The “Altered Oceans” then influence or drive climate changes and climate related events.

Secondly, earth’s Polar Ice Caps which contain major geological features such as: Divergent (tectonic plate pull-apart boundaries), Transform Plate Boundaries (tectonic plate side sliding boundaries), and High Heat Flow Volcanic regions. The associated heat and fluid release from these geological features acts to alter sub-ice sheet temperatures. The altered Sub-Glacial Ice Sheets then influence or drive climate changes and climate related events.

Many connections between Geology and Climate are explored and explained in this theory.

It makes common sense that if major geological plate boundary geological phenomenon have the power to move continents 2-3 centimeters per year, frequently create large tsunamis that mix thousands of feet of ocean column, support vast chemosynthetic communities, and contain 90% of the planets known active volcanoes that they can certainly/easily influence our climate in a dramatic fashion.  Our planet is best described as "water covered" because 71% of the surface area is ocean.  Astoundingly, we have only explored 3% of Earth's ocean sea floors.  Conversely, we have studied nearly every aspect of the atmosphere.  As a result, climate scientists incorrectly assumed that climate was exclusively driven by atmosphere, here termed Atmospheric Bias.  The introduction of the Plate Climatology Theory opened a new era of how we interpret our climate, a more balanced approach with includes the impact of geological forces.

It is hoped that this new and comprehensive theory would be a catalyst for future research and provide a platform to join what are now several independently researched branches of science: Geology, Climatology, Meteorology, Oceanography, and Biology. The science of Climate is extremely complex and necessitates a multi-discipline approach

How to Navigate the Site

The technical portion of the website has been divided into three basic categories:

  1. How Geological Forces Affect Oceans

  2. How Geological Forces Affect Polar Regions

  3. How Geological Forces Affect Atmosphere

Individual articles within these categories provide more detail of geological forces affect on climate and climate-related events related to that category.  For a complete list of topics and a reference guide to articles included on the site, please click here for the Topic Guide.

Disclaimer to Readers

The intent of the phrases “this study concludes” or “this study proves” presented in many of the Plate Climatology Theory articles is the authors way of indicating that other study data, graphs, phrases, hypotheses and conclusions have been used by the author to formulate his own points of view, hypotheses and conclusions. It is not the intent of the author to mislead the public, other scientists, organizations or those who believe in the Plate Climatology Theory. As a geologist who is not a professional editor or writer, I have made a few grammatical errors. However, I stand by all the Plate Climatology Theory articles because they represent and prove my belief that geological forces have a strong influence or in some cases control climate and climate-related events. If further errors in my articles are noticed by those disagreeing with the Plate Climatology Theory articles or the theory premises hopefully this statement will act to make clear the authors intent and actions.

This is the authors best legal attempt to clear the air with those who disagree with the Plate Climatology Theory.

The author has done his best to credit all studies, hypotheses and authors used in Plate Climatology Theory articles. Additionally, the Plate Climatology website and the authors public speaking events are both “Not for Profit”. The website, articles and author have received NO money or funding from companies, organizations or others. The author has paid for and built the theory using his own money. The purpose of the theory is to promote further research concerning the strong climate and climate related event influence of geological forces.

Plate Climatology is a non-profit website. We make every attempt to properly credit all publications, ideas, charts, graphs, etc. The new Plate Climatology Theory Book is for profit. Permission to use copyrighted figures, graphs, photos, and images presented in the book has been obtained or granted as public domain. NASA and NOAA figures, graphs, photos, and images used in the book fall into the Public Domain category based on their notifications. Additionally, all figures, graphs, photos, and images in the book are presented to advance scientific principles.   


Theory Presentations

NEW Book Available!

Video Summary

This video summarizes the building block principles of the Plate Climatology Theory and provides specific research proven examples supporting these principles. The viewer will learn how geological forces affect or control climate and climate related events of; Antarctica, the Arctic, El Nino' /La Nina's, so-called Ice Ages, or land volcanic eruptions.

By reviewing the entire one- and one-half hour video the reader will gain a full appreciation for the significant and under-appreciated influence of geological forces on climate. If you have ever wondered whether there is a plausible alternative explanation to the many modern and ancient climate phenomenon currently being attributed solely to atmospheric forces, as per the Global Warming/Climate Change Theory, this is your chance to review such a plausible alternative explanation.
